Clever Apple English



Study abroad diary② My first IELTS exam

Hi! I'm Clever Apple!!


Today, I will write about my study at Wollongong university in Australia.


Today's topic is about 'My first IELTS exam'.






After I decided to study abroad in Australia, I started to study IELTS, which is the academic requirement to enter a graduate school.


The reason I decided to study abroad is written in the article below.



■Please also see this!!■
I hadn't taken many English exams, so what I did at first was to buy a wordbook to increase my vocabulary size.
I had difficulty memorizing a lot of unfamiliar words... (I will write about how to learn vocabulary in the future.)
Through studying English vocabulary, I noticed I need to learn more new words, but I personally think that it is not too late to buy a wordbook after solving problems in an official IELTS textbook.
This is because it is more efficient and effective to study what you can't do well.
For example, if you realize that you are not good at listening through solving some problems in the textbook, you should focus on listening practices.
If you have enough vocabulary size to answer the questions of the textbook, you may not need to study vocabulary.
I would tell the old me to try some problems and find what you have to study.
I began to study for IETLS exam from December 2018.
In terms of listening and reading, I solved problems in some textbooks as many as possible.
Regarding with speaking, I remembered some answers to some specific topics.
For writing, I copied the model answers after writing my own answers.
However, these studying strategies are not enough to meet the academic requirement.
In May 2019, I took an IELTS exam for the first time. I couldn't fall asleep on the night before the test because I was so nervous.
I wanted to get overall 6.5, because the exam fee is ridiculously high and I can't afford to sit for the test many times.
By the way, if you can't sleep, please try to inhale from your nose for 4 seconds and hold your breath for 2 seconds, and exhale from your mouth for 6 seconds.
You can probably sleep well!!
Sorry for getting off track.
On the morning of the exam, I went to Nihonbashi in Tokyo by train.
That was the first trial for me, and I had never been there, so I arrived at the test center 30 minutes prior to the opening time. I was the first person who arrived there.
At the test center, I put my bag into a plastic bag to leave it a room, and did fingerprint authentication and was taken a picture for the certificate.
It was not allowed that bangs end at eyelashes to take a valid picture, I took time to take the picture.
After identity confirmation, I entered the room for taking the exam, but I had no choice but to see my passport, because test takers can have just writing utensils, a bottle of water, and their passport.
Now, I think I should have studied more before entering the room.
Finally, the exam began! I took in the order of writing (The task 1 was about a line graph), reading, then listening, but in the listening test, a problem occurred!!!
The problem was that.....
I felt hungry!!!!!!!!!!
I had breakfast, but my stomach rumbled because I left my house early in the morning!
Because of the feeling of hunger, I lost my concentration, which is especially important for a listening exam.
Some people will have a stomachache or feel sleepy, so it depends, but I personally recommend to eat a lot before IELTS exam!
The total testing time for reading, writing, and listening is 3 and half hours, and you can't eat anything in the test.
If you can concentrate on exams regardless your feeling of hunger, please ignore this haha.
2 to 3 hours after the 3-subskill tests, I took a speaking test.
The time between the 3-subskill tests and a speaking test depends on test takers. 
During the waiting time, you can relax or study for the speaking test.
If your friends also take the exam, you can practice with each other and talk to be relaxed. (I have few friends so I took IELTS alone...)
In the speaking test, one of the questions was 'What is the famous group that you respect?'.
I prepared an answer for a question, 'What is a famous person you respect?', but didn't do for a group, I was so confused and couldn't answer appropriately...
In this way, my first IELTS trial ended.
On the night before the announcement of the results, I had a dream. In the dream, my IELTS overall score didn't meet the required score. Maybe, I unconsciously felt my score would be low.
On the next day, that bad premonition came true.
Listening: 6.0 Reading: 7.0 Writing: 5.5 Speaking: 5.5 Overall: 6.0
Writing, speaking, and overall scores were too low to get an admission letter.
I found some articles about IELTS exam, and some of the writers said 'I took the test over 10 times' and they made me shudder.
'How many times do I have to take this really expensive exam to get enough scores?'
So, I strongly felt that I need to change my studying strategies to get overall 6.5 score in the next trial.
In the next 4 months, I studied IELTS with in other ways. The new strategies are the articles that I wrote in this blog.
Please check them!
Next time, I will write about 'The second IELTS exam'!
Good luck with the exam :)

オーストラリア大学院留学体験記② IELTS初めての受験編

こんにちは!Clever Appleです!!















リスニング:6.0 リーディング:7.0 ライティング:5.5 スピーキング:5.5

You need not speak English like native speakers

Hi!!! I'm Clever Apple!! I'm studying Master of Education (TESOL) at Wollongong university in Australia. 

Today, I will show 3 reasons why you don't have to speak native-like English!


In short, the reasons are: ①the word 'Native' is ambiguous, ②L2 English speakers can't become native English speakers, and Most of L2 English learners will be less likely to talk with native speakers.



Lets' get started!!






・I hope this article will encourage you not to persist in speaking native-like English and feel comfortable learning English.

 0. Is native-like English the only correct English?


I think many English learners hope to speak 'native-like English'.


I had believed that native-like English is perfect and I must speak it, but I know this thought is wrong.



I guess some English learners feel embarrassing to speak English in front of people, leading to less opportunities for English output.


For those people, I will explain the 3 reasons why you don't have to speak 'Naive-like English'.



 1. What is 'native-like English?

We sometimes use words like 'native speakers' and ' native-like English'.
However, who are they and what is it??
In some countries such as the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand, English is spoken as a first language.
Also, in one country, the spoken English is various because of a large variety of race and cultures.
For example, America has 50 states and the people speak different English. 
In this way, I think many English learners study English for an ambiguous purpose.
So, why is 'native English' important?
My answer is that 'native English' is necessary as a standard.
According to Cook (2016), RP (Received pronunciation) spoken in the UK is essential in that it can be understood by anybody in the UK.
However, this doesn't mean RP is easily understood all over the world.
English spoken by native speakers is just a 'standard' and blindly aiming to speak native-like English can decrease the learners' motivation, because that is hard to achieve.


 2. L2 English speakers can't become native English speakers


The second reason is that it is impossible to become native English speakers.


As Bloomfield mentions, "The first language a human being learns to speak is his native language; he is a native speaker of this language" (Bloomfield, 1933, p. 43), and L2 English learners can speak 'native-like English' but they cannot become native speakers.


Such an aim that is not achievable is meaningless.



Therefore, as I mentioned earlier, 'native English' is just a standard, and aiming to become native English speakers means cutting your own throat.



 3. Most of L2 English learners will be less likely to talk with native speakers


The final reason is that native English speakers are minority and most of English speakers are non-native speakers.


According to Babbel (2021), less than a quarter of English speakers are native English speakers, while over 1 billion English speakers are non-native.


This means the majority of the interlocutors of L2 English learners are non-native English speakers.


For example, if you want to work in tourism, 74% of travelers are non-native English speakers (Graddol, 2006).


Furthermore, Asian English speakers are more likely to understand English spoken by Japanese than that by native speakers. People from 11 Asian countries listened to English spoken by Japanese and native speakers, and 55% of native speakers' English was understood, while the percentage of Japanese speakers' English was staggering 75% (Smith & Rafiqzad, 1979).


This means, 'native-like English' isn't always more intelligible than 'Asian accent English' for Asian people.



If you want to learn English, not to learn about English, you don't have to care about the nativeness of your English.



 4. Summary

 ・In this article, I explained the reasons why L2 English learners don't have to speak 'native-like' English.


・The reasons are: ①The word 'Native' is ambiguous, ②L2 English speakers can't become native English speakers, and Most of L2 English learners will be less likely to talk with native speakers


Reference list

     Babbel. (2021). How many people speak English, and where is it spoken. Available at: (accessed December 12 2021).
     Bloomfield, L. (1933). Language. Holt.

     Cook, V. (2016). Second language learning and language teaching (Fifth Edition). Routledge.

     Graddol, D. (2006). English NextBritish Council.

     Smith, L. E. and Rafiqzad, K.(1979). English for cross-cultural communication: The question of intelligibility. TESOL Quarterly, 13(3), 371-380.
Enjoy your English learning :)

ネイティブ英語を話す必要なし 気楽な英語学習のための3つの根拠

こんにちは!Clever Appleです!!今回は、オーストラリアのウーロンゴン大学大学院でTESOL(英語教育法)を学んでいる私が、「ネイティブ英語」を話せるようになる必要がない理由を3つの観点から説明していきます!!


結論から言うと、①「ネイティブ」というのはあいまいな概念だから ②定義上、「ネイティブスピーカー」にはなれないから ③英語の会話の相手はほとんどが「ネイティブ」ではないからです。


























 1. ネイティブ英語」ってなんですか?
































例えば、Cook (2016)によると、イギリスのアナウンサーなどが話すReceived Pronunciation (容認発音)は、様々な英語を話すイギリス国内で、「どこでも、誰にでも通じる」という点で重要だと指摘しています。






 2. 日本人は「ネイティブスピーカーにはなれない」

Bloomfieldは、「ネイティブ」の定義を、「人が最初に学ぶ言語が母語(ネイティブランゲージ)であり、その人たちが、ネイティブスピーカーである」(Bloomfield, 1933)としており、既に日本語を学んだ日本人は、「ネイティブのような英語に近づく」ことはできても、「ネイティブになる」ことはできないのです。

 3. 「ネイティブ」と話すことはあまりない

Babbel (2021)によると、英語のネイティブスピーカーは、全体の英語話者の中で、4分の1未満しかおらず、一方で、第二言語として英語を使う話者は、約10億人いるとされています。
例えば、英語をよく使うであろう「観光業界」であっても、国際旅行者の74%は英語の「非ネイティブ」です(Graddol, 2006)。
さらに、多くの未成年日本人英語学習者(42.9%で最多)が英語を活かしたいと思っている場面である、「海外旅行」(GMO INTERNET GROUP、2017)に関しても、「アジアの国」に関して言えば、ネイティブ英語よりもむしろ「日本人英語」の方が便利なのです
英語の「ネイティブ」と「非ネイティブ」の話者が日本を含むアジアの国11か国の人々に英語で話す研究で(Smith & Rafiqzad, 1979)、日本人の英語は平均で75% (11か国中3位)理解されたのですが、アメリカ人の英語は55% (11か国中8位)しか理解されませんでした。

 4. まとめ


・その根拠は、①「ネイティブ」というのはあいまいな概念だから定義上、「ネイティブスピーカー」にはなれないから ③英語の会話の相手はほとんどが「ネイティブ」ではないからです。

     GMO INTERNET GROUP 「「英語に関する意識調査」を未成年・成人計10,000名に調査 ~英語の活用意欲は成人より未成年が高い傾向に~」(GMO株式リサーチ株式会社、2017年)
     Babbel. (2021). How many people speak English, and where is it spoken. Available at: (accessed December 12 2021).
     Bloomfield, L. (1933). Language. Holt.

     Cook, V. (2016). Second language learning and language teaching (Fifth Edition). Routledge.

     Graddol, D. (2006). English Next. British Council.

     Smith, L. E. and Rafiqzad, K.(1979). English for cross-cultural communication: The question of intelligibility. TESOL Quarterly, 13(3), 371-380.

3 strategies for getting Band 6.0 on IELTS Listening

Hi! I'm Clever Apple! I got Band 6.0 on IELTS Listening and I'm studying Master of Education (TESOL) at Wollongong university in Australia. 


Today, I will tell you some tips to improve your speaking score band effectively and efficiently.






 ・This article is about 'How to get Band 6.0 on IELTS Listening, which is required to meet to enter many Western universities.

・The strategies are ①Practice shadowing ②Intensive listening ③Extensive listening.

 0. Listening is the most difficult for me...

Personally, I think listening is the hardest skill of the 4 subskills to improve.
Even in my native language (Japanese), I'm bad at listening...
Maybe this is because my lack of attention.
Although I'm not good at listening, I got 6.0 on IELTS Listening, so I will introduce some tips for getting over 6.0.
The contents of this article are also for the old me.
Let's get started!!

 1. Shadowing


The first step is practice shadowing.


As I mentioned in my other articles, in shadowing, you speak sentences like a shadow just after a model speaker read scripts.


There are a lot of techniques for listening practices, including dictation, I personally recommend shadowing.


The reasons for shadowing are ①It will help you improve your English skill ②It doesn't take time and ③You can do it anywhere, anytime.


In terms of ①Improving your English skill, Hamada (2019) Shadowing: What is It? How to Use it. Where Will it go? is a good example that mention the effect of shadowing for listening ability.


If you are also interested in IELTS speaking, please check this article!


■Please also see this!■
Secondly, unlike dictation, you need not write words and sentences, you can be exposed to a lot of inputs efficiently.
Finally, all you need is just your smartphone to do shadowing!!
Even when you don't feel motivated to study, you don't have to prepare your writing utensils, you can start it easily!
In the next section, I will explain about 'Intensive listening' and 'Extensive listening'.

 2. Shadowing for 'Intensive listening'


The next step is shadowing for 'Intensive listening'!


Listening study can be divided into 2 main methods and one is 'Intensive listening' and the other is 'Extensive listening'.


In this part, I'll talk about shadowing for 'Intensive listening'.




'Intensive listening' is a language-focused learning method and the purpose is to understand grammar and vocabulary in scripts.


I think the best material for 'Intensive listening' is the exercise books you have finished.

The 3 steps for shadowing for 'Intensive listening' are ①to completely understand the scripts in your native language ②to read aloud the scripts while listening to it ③to do shadowing the scripts without looking at the scripts.
This strategy is based on a learning strategy whose steps are 1⃣listening while reading 2⃣listening after reading and 3⃣just listening for graded readers (Newton & Nation, 2021). 
However, the second step is skipped because you have already understood the scripts in your language.
I strongly recommend this shadowing learning!!!
Being able to utter the scripts means being able to listen to and understand the scripts.
Let's continue shadowing until you can do it without the transcripts!!

 3. Shadowing for 'Extensive listening'

The final step is shadowing for 'Extensive listening'.
Unlike 'Intensive listening', 'Extensive listening' puts emphasis on meaning of the scripts.
The aims of 'Extensive listening' are ①for a large amount of input and ②maintaining your motivation.
'Extensive listening' works to make up for the lack of input of 'Intensive listening'.
If you want to improve your listening skill, of course, the best way is to listen a lot!
The other purpose of 'Extensive listening' is to maintain your motivation.
Usually, people don't like to listen to teaching materials they are not interested in, which leads to decreasing their motivation to learn.
Therefore, you should listen to materials you like for continuous listening practices.
The steps of extensive listening shadowing are ①to find scripts you like and you can understand and ②continue shadowing until you can do it without looking ate the script.
The first step, to find scripts you like and you can understand is really important.
According to van Zeeland and Schmitt (2013), to understand a script enough, you need to know about 95% of the vocabulary.
This means to enjoy listening without stress, the level of the scripts is 'comprehensible' or 'too easy' for you!!
If you are not familiar with a language and can't understand it, it is a waste of time to input in the language.
My recommendations for shadowing for 'Extensive listening' are BBC 6 minute English and English Go! Listening Practice with British English by James
Both of the programs are spoken in British English, which is used in IELTS listening exam.
In BBC 6 minute English, you can choose one topic from various topics about the world and learn it in 6 minutes. You can see the script well, so this is really helpful for shadowing.
In English Go! Listening Practice with British English, a British man, James, talks about interesting topics such as British cultures. There is not script, but he talks slowly and use simple expressions, so you can enjoy it!
Please try these English learning programs for step 2: continue shadowing until you can do it without looking ate the script.
You can enjoy listening and improve your listening skill!
It takes time, but you can definitely feel your progress!

Please tell me English learning programs you like!!

 4. Summary

・In this article, I introduced some tips for learning IELTS listening.

・The strategies are ①Shadowing ②shadowing for 'Intensive listening' ③shadowing for 'Extensive listening'.
 Reference list 

     BBC Learning English (2021). 6 Minute English.

      Hamada, Y. (2019). Shadowing: What is it? How to use it. Where will it go? RELC Journal, 50(3), 386–393.

     James. (2020). English Go! Listening Practice with British English [Audio podcast]

     Newton, J. M., & Nation, I. S. P. (2021). Teaching ESL/EFL listening and speaking (Second edition). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

     van Zeeland, H., & Schmitt, N. (2013). Lexical coverage in l1 and l2 listening comprehension: The same or different from reading comprehension? Applied Linguistics, 34(4), 457–479.

Good luck with the exam :)

IELTSリスニング対策 バンドスコア6.0をとるための勉強法

こんにちは!Clever Appleです!!今日は、ウーロンゴン大学大学院で英語教授法を学ぶ私が、IELTSのリスニングテストで6.0を取った時の勉強法を3ステップでご紹介します!








 0. 個人的には一番難しいリスニング.....




日本語のリスニングも得意ではなく、友人からよく、「話聞いてないでしょ!」と怒られます...笑 耳が悪いのか、注意力が散漫なのか...









 1. シャドーイングを身に付けよう








理由は、①リスニング力が上がる ②時間がかからない ③いつでもどこでもできる からです。


①のリスニング力の向上については、他のIELTSスピーキング対策についての記事でもご紹介しましたが、Hamada (2019) Shadowing: What is It? How to Use it. Where Will it go? などでシャドーイングによるリスニング能力の向上のデータを示しています。





 2. 「精聴」によるシャドーイング

「精聴」によるシャドーイングの具体的な実践方法は、①一度解いた問題のスクリプトを日本語で完全に理解する スクリプトを見ながら、音声と同じ、またはすぐ後を追ってマネする ③慣れてきたら、スクリプトなしで、音声だけでシャドーイングを行う
この方法は、NewtonとNation (2021)によるGraded readers (多読・多聴用教材)を使った、1⃣スクリプトを読みながら聴く 2⃣スクリプトを読んだあとに聴く 3⃣スクリプトを見ずに音声だけを聴く という学習方法を参考にしていますが、2⃣のステップは、既に日本語で完全に理解しているので、飛ばします。

 3. 「多聴」によるシャドーイング

この「多聴」の目的は、①大量のインプット ②モチベーションの維持です。
「多聴」による具体的なシャドーイング学習方法は、①理解できて、面白い教材を見つける ②慣れてきたらスクリプトを見ずにシャドーイングをする です。
van ZeelandとSchmitt (2013)によると、リスニングテキストの十分な理解のためには、テキストの95%の語彙を理解している必要があります。
私の個人的な「多聴」のための教材は、BBC6 Minute English と、JamesさんEnglish Go! Listening Practice with British Englsihです。



6 Minute Englishは、6分間で様々なトピックを取り上げ、世界の事柄について知ることができます。
English Go! Listening Practice with British Englsihは、イギリス在住で、日本にも詳しいJamesさんが、イギリス文化などについて、優しい英語でゆっくり紹介しています。

 4. まとめ


・具体的な方法は、シャドーイング ②精聴 ③多聴 です!

     BBC Learning English (2021). 6 Minute English.

      Hamada, Y. (2019). Shadowing: What is it? How to use it. Where will it go? RELC Journal, 50(3), 386–393.

     James. (2020). English Go! Listening Practice with British English [Audio podcast]

     Newton, J. M., & Nation, I. S. P. (2021). Teaching ESL/EFL listening and speaking (Second edition). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

     van Zeeland, H., & Schmitt, N. (2013). Lexical coverage in l1 and l2 listening comprehension: The same or different from reading comprehension? Applied Linguistics, 34(4), 457–479.



Study abroad diary ① The reason I decided to do my Master's degree in Australia

Hi! I'm Clever Apple!!


Today, I will write about why I am studying TESOL at Wollongong university in Australia.





November 2018, when I was in my junior year, I decided to study abroad at a graduate school in Australia.


This is too late and my case is not a good example for many people.



I majored in Education at the Japanese university to take English teacher's licenses, and I realized my English level was too low to teach English.

To improve my English proficiency, I started to plan to study abroad when I was a sophomore.


At first, I was planning to participate in an exchange program of the university, but it was not possible because I had a teaching practice and other practices in my third and fourth grades.


Thus, I gave up studying abroad as an exchange student and I was determined to go overseas to study English after the graduation.


I haven't chosen the country and university for studying abroad, so I consulted with one of my professors for some advice. She is a professional of TESOL and has experiences of studying abroad.



Surprisingly, she said to me 'You should do Master's degree.'



I had never thought about doing Master's degree because I knew the tasks of universities are really demanding and I couldn't manage them.


Plus, I have to sit for IELTS exam that includes Speaking test to enter a graduate school.

I hadn't taken any English-speaking test except for an 'EIKEN exam', which requires only simple English.



It was so hard to choose, but I ended up deciding to do Master's degree. This is because I realized even if I couldn't meet the academic requirement of the graduate school and enter the school, I can study abroad just to learn English.



When I was thinking about unplanned studying abroad, my friends were preparing to become English teachers and studying for a teacher recruitment exam.


While they were certainly moving forward, I started to study for IELTS exam with anxiety.



Next time, I will write about my experiences of IELTS exam.