Clever Apple English



Interesting etymologies of English words① 'Food'

Hi! I'm Clever Apple, and I wish you a Happy New Year!!

Today, let's learn about some English etymologies of foods.






・This article is about 'Interesting etymology of some foods'.

・Please read this if you are interested in English etymology!

 1. Hot dog

First English etymology is 'Hot dog'.
I guess some people have thought about the relationship between dogs and hot dogs.
According to Saito (2003), hot dogs have roots in frankfurters from Germany, and were named dachshund sausage and started to be sold around a baseball stadium in New York in 1850s.
One day, when a painter drew on a billboard, he couldn't remember the spelling of 'dachshund', so he wrote 'Get your Hot Dogs!' on the board (Saito, 2003). 
In this way, it is said that hot dogs come from a billboard.
I felt an affinity with American people, when I knew not only Japanese English learners but Americans also misspell haha.
I personally prefer 'Hot dogs' to 'dachshund sausage'!

 2. Marmalade

The next etymology is 'marmalade'!
As Bekku (2004) says, the word 'marmalade' comes from a Portuguese word 'marmelo' (the meaning is Chinese quince), so 'Orange Marmalade' is a wrong expression.
I had thought that all of jams made of citrus fruits are 'marmalade jam'....

 3. Flour

The last one is 'Flour'!
The sounds of 'flour' and 'flower' are same, so I guess some people have thought that there is a relationship between the 2 words.
According to Weekely (1987), a word flower meant 'glamour and best things', so flour was named 'flour', because it is 'the best powder'.
Flour is used in various ways, such as for making pasta and bread, so it is certainly the best powder for people!!
At the end and the beginning of a year, I eat a lot of foods and put on weight...
Be careful of eating too much food and have a great year!!
 4. Summary
・This article is about etymologies of 'Hot dogs', 'Marmalade' and Flour'.

・Please tell me if you know some interesting etymologies!!
Reference list

Bekku, S. (2004). Hushiginokuninoarisuwoeigodeyomu. Iwanami bunko.
Saito, H. (2003). Supotsudetanoshimuamerikaeigo. Iwanamiakuthibu shinsho.
Weekley, E. (1987). The Romance of Words (4th ed). General Books.
Have a great year :)